Legend of the white stork
Once upon a time, when enemies were raiding the country from both east and west, a fortress was built on the Dniester. First of wood, then of stone, it began to surround the borders of the country. And because it was on the bank of the Dniester, and with high...
Legend of „Martisor”
Today is 1st of Mаrch – the beginning of a new wonderful season, a dаy when all people in Moldovа, Romania, Bulgаria and Nоrth Macedоnia traditionally give to each other the sо-called „mărtișoare (martsishor)”, symbols of spring. Mаrtisor literally means little (or dear) Mаrch, which is a symbol for a...
The story of a pie “Black Baba”
There was a time when the Bears fulfilled the will of men, contrived destinies, changed the fate of all living beings – either for good or for evil. Some of them were young and beautiful, and they wore white, silky clothes, and others – old and quarrelsome, they wore black...