National Theater ”Mihai Eminescu”
It was founded on October 10, 1920, at the initiative of several personalities led by Sergiu T. Niță, who was the Minister of Bessarabia in the Romanian government. Other notable figures involved in its establishment included Stefan Ciobanu (a member of the Romanian Academy), writers Nicolae N. Beldiceanu, Nicolae Beldiman,...
National Opera and Ballet Theatre “Maria Bieșu”
On July 5, 1957, the Minister of Culture of the MSSR, A. Lazarev, signed the order for the establishment of the Moldovan State Theater of Opera and Ballet “A.S. Pushkin,” marking an epochal moment for the further development of this prominent institution of national culture. The historical journey of the...
Green Theater
The Green Theatre in Chisinau is a true gem for both citizens and tourists, situated in Valea Morilor Park in the capital. The Green Theatre, formerly known as the Summer Theatre, was constructed 60 years ago by architects A. Kolotovkin and T. Lomova. An open-air theatre with a beautiful stage...
National Theatre “Eugene Ionesco”
It is one of the most famous theaters in Chisinau, founded on 11 September 1991. The theater was created at the initiative of a team of actors, graduates of the B. Shchukin Theatre School in Moscow, led by Petru Vutcărău. The playwright Eugène Ionesco personally agreed that the new theater...
National Theater “Satiricus”
The National Theater “Satiricus Ion Luca Caragiale” is a municipal drama theater in Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. It was established in 1990 through the initiative of the actor and director Sandu Grecu. The theater’s repertoire primarily features satirical and humorous plays. It stands as the first...
Republican Theater “Luceafarul”
The Republican Theater “Luceafărul” was established in 1960 as a theater for children and youth. On September 30, following the order of the Minister of Culture of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, Arteom Lazarev, and in accordance with the decision of the Bureau of the Central Committee and the College...
Municipal Puppet Theatre “Guguță”
It first opened its doors on November 27, 1992. From its inception, the theater was conceived as an institution to educate children in the national spirit and to promote the cultural values of the nation. The idea for such a theater originated from a group of intellectuals of the time,...
Geneza Art Theater
Geneza Art Theatre is one of the independent theaters in Moldova. The “debut” of the Theatre took place in January 2010 with the performance “Blue Flower,” a tribute to the great poet Mihai Eminescu’s “blond angel” poet Veronica Micle. The year 2017 is the year in which the 8th season...
Centre for Culture and Arts “Ginta Latina”/Theatre with no name
History of Creation: The Republican Theatre for Children and Youth was established on August 1, 1989, by the esteemed theater figure of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Sandri Șcurea. Since February 2018, the theater has been renamed “Theatre Without a Name” and is now part of the Centre of Culture...
Republican Puppet Theatre “Licurici”/”Fireflies”
Founded in October 1945, immediately after the Second World War, the Republican Puppet Theater “Licurici” remains an exceptional cultural center, presenting shows for all ages. The theater began its activity with the show “The Gazebo” by S. Marsak, reflecting the Moldovan-Russian-Ukrainian cultural relations established immediately after the war. Professionalism and...
Russian State Drama Theater “A. P. Cehov”
It was founded on November 5, 1934, in Tiraspol. The first show staged was “Hate” by S. Ialțev. In 1940, the theater moved to Chisinau, where in the same year it presented the show “Unchaining” by B. Lavreniov. During the Second World War, the theater was evacuated to Turkmenistan, where...
Municipal Drama Theatre of “On the Street of Roses”
The Russian Drama Theatre was established in 1978 in Chisinau as a studio theatre. The theater’s repertoire includes contemporary plays by Russian and European playwrights. The theater gained recognition and popularity among the audience due to its unique repertoire and talented young actors. However, in the 1990s, many of the...
The National Palace “Nicolae Sulac”
It is a concert and festival venue in the center of Chisinau. The construction of the Palace was completed in 1972, and at that time, it was called Sala de Sesiuni (Hall of Sessions), where theater and entertainment performances were organized. It was later renamed in honor of the folk...